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Introduce mobile wallet

Briefly describe mobile wallet and the primary benefit.

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Mobile wallet security

E.g., No more card numbers

Your credit and debit card numbers are never shared with merchants or transmitted during transactions.

E.g., No need to swipe

No need to swipe your card or insert your chip, so you won’t have to worry about exposing your information when making a payment.

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  • “John Galt is a character in Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged (1957). … As the plot unfolds, Galt is acknowledged to be a philosopher and inventor; he believes in the power and glory of the human mind, and the rights of individuals to use their minds solely for themselves. He serves as a highly individualistic counterpoint to the collectivist social and economic structure depicted in the novel, in which society is based on oppressive bureaucratic functionaries and a culture that embraces mediocrity in the name of egalitarianism, which the novel posits is the result of collectivist philosophy.”

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Recap the main idea

Write a short description by expanding upon the title.